5 Common Job Description Mistakes

job description mistakes

When I am contacted by a company that is struggling to fill a position or multiple positions, the first thing I ask to see is their list of job postings.

Often, the problem is poorly written job descriptions.

They are either too vague, too long, lack coherent details, combine multiple positions, or leave out key information necessary to attract the right kind of candidates.

An effective job description is a critical part of a successful recruiting and hiring process.

The consequences of an ineffective job description are numerous. Poorly written job postings can cause your company to attract and hire the wrong candidate. This, in turn, can lead to higher turnover rates.

One survey found that one-third of new hires left their job after only six months. That’s a shocking number, and it has major financial, human, and brand implications.

There are many places where a job listing can go wrong.

Here are 5 of the most common mistakes we see in job descriptions:  

  • The job requirements in the listing are vague and general. Wording like must be able to handle stress, must be able to multi-task, good customer service skills, etc. don’t tell candidates what they need to know in order to decide if they’re a good fit – or if they’re even interested.

  • The job requirements in the listing are not aligned with the type of talent you need. Often this is a result of reusing old, outdated job postings and piling on additional requirements. Make sure the requirements fit the job you’re hiring for and are pertinent to the position.

  • The salary or benefits are not clearly articulated. People want to know if they should spend their time applying for the position you’re advertising. If the pay is too low or benefits aren’t available they need (flex scheduling or insurance, for example) then it’s to the benefit of both you and the candidate for them to find a position that fits their needs better.

  • The job posting includes dated information about your organization. Haven’t updated your history or mission statement since 1988? Now is the time!

  • There’s nothing about your company’s key differentiators and corporate values. Besides pay and benefits, what sets your company apart from the rest? Why should a candidate want to work there? Is it your diverse and inclusive culture? Your commitment to family and community?

If you’re struggling to find the right fit, JLW Consulting LLC offers a number of services that can help fix and transform your hiring process. In addition, our partnership with Fytster talent matching software is going to change the way businesses hire forever.

CLICK HERE to schedule your call today to learn more!


10 Signs You Have a Broken Hiring Process - and what to do about it.


Diversity and Inclusion are Required